Please comment or respond if you are familiar with this issue, with any tips/suggestions of what I should try. Am I possibly missing some essential settings that prevent the computer from moving on to start the restore? My concern is that I might be missing someting when I am going through the Boot Wizard to create the recovery disk. I have tried to include all the necessary drivers, so I do not think that is the issue.

I do not see any evidence of it even getting as far as opening the start.bat file. I left it for quite some time (few hours) and still nothing. I am new to this community and have just recently started working with Symantec Ghost Solution Suite 2.5.1 Trial Version and I ran into a problem where I create a boot image to restore a Windows XP OS and when I try to boot on the faulty computer from the disk image, all I see is the progress bar "Windows is Loading Files' go to the end, and then when it reaches the end it just hangs there.